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Jonathan Rutter



DPhil student in Tim Guilford's group

Biography & Research Interests:

I am a Clarendon-funded DPhil student in the Department of Biology at the University of Oxford, and a member of both the MCEM ( and OxNav research groups. I am broadly interested in conservation research at the intersection of marine ecology and international conservation governance. My research examines seabird bycatch in fisheries. I aim to investigate the seabird-vessel interactions that lead to bycatch, and how conservation strategies can impact these interactions. This work builds off my 2022 dissertation on Antipodean albatross bycatch risk in the South Pacific, which I completed as part of an MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management at Oxford (2021-2022) in conjunction with the New Zealand Department of Conservation and BirdLife International.


Prior to my time at Oxford, I studied Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at Yale University (2014-2018). I then spent three years (2018-2021) in the Dayer Human Dimensions Lab at Virginia Tech University, where my research examined racial and ethnic diversity in birdwatching, as well as drivers of wetland conservation involvement. As a member of the Dayer Lab, I also worked with the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources to produce a 10-year Wildlife Viewing Plan for the state of Virginia. Outside academia, I am a retired New Zealand swimmer, and I currently hold four Oxford Blues swimming records.


Selected publications:

My publications can be found here:

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