Published Work
Phillips, JA, Banks, AN, Bolton, M, Brereton, T, Cazenave, P, Gillies, N, Padget, O, van der Kooij, J, Waggitt, J, & Guilford, T. (in press) Consistent concentrations of critically endangered Balearic shearwaters in UK waters revealed by at-sea surveys. Ecology and Evolution.
Syposz, M, Padget, O, Wynn, J, Gillies, N, Fayet, A, & Guilford, T. (in press) “An assay to investigate factors influencing initial orientation in nocturnally fledging seabirds.” Journal of Avian Biology.
Clairbaux M, Cheung W, Mathewson P, Porter W, Courbin N, Fort F, Strøm H, Moe B, Fauchald P, Descamps S, Helgason H, Bråthen V, Merkel B, Anker-Nilssen T, Chastel O, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Danielsen J, Daunt F, Dehnhard N, Erikstad KE, Ezhov A, Gavrilo M, Krasnov Y, Langset M, Lorentsen S-H, Newell M, Olsen B, Reiertsen T, Systad G, Thórarinsson T, Baran M, Diamond A, Fayet A, Fitzsimmons M, Frederiksen M, Gilchrist H, Guilford T, Huffeldt N, Jessopp M, Johannsen K, Kouwenberg A, Linnebjerg J, McFarlane Tranquilla L, Mallory M, Merkel MF, Montevecchi W, Mosbech A, Petersen A, Grémillet D. (in press) Meeting Paris agreement objectives will temper seabird winter distribution shifts in the North Atlantic Ocean. Global Change Biology.
J. Wynn, J. Collet, A. Prudor, A. Corbeau, O. Padget, T. Guilford and H. Weimerskirch. (2020) Young frigatebirds learn how to compensate for wind drift. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 287:20201970 .
C. Perrins, O. Padget, M. O’Connell, R. Brown, B. Büche, G. Eagle, J. Roden, E. Stubbings & M. Wood. (in press) A census of breeding Manx shearwaters on the Pembrokeshire Islands of Skomer, Skokholm and Midland in 2018. Seabird.
N. Gillies, A. L. Fayet, O. Padget, M. Syposz, J. Wynn, S. Bond, J. Evry, H. Kirk, A. Shoji, B. Dean, R. Freeman & T. Guilford. (2020) Short-term behavioural impact contrasts with long-term fitness consequences of biologging in a long-lived seabird. Scientific Reports, 10, 15056.
J. Wynn, O. Padget, H. Mouritsen, C. Perrins and T. Guilford. (2020) Natal imprinting to the Earth’s magnetic field in a pelagic seabird. Current Biology.
F. Ventura, J.P. Granadeiro, O. Padget and P. Catry. (2020) Gadfly petrels use knowledge of the windscape, not memorised foraging patches, to optimise foraging trips on ocean-wide scales. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Fayet, Annette L., Erpur Snær Hansen, and Dora Biro. (2019) Evidence of tool use in a seabird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Lewin, PJ, Wynn, J, et al., (2024) “Climate change drives migratory range shift via individual plasticity in shearwaters.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121:
Skeels, S., von der Emde, G., & Burt de Perera, T. (2023). Weakly electric fish use self-generated motion to discriminate object shape. Animal Behaviour. 205, 47-63.
Skeels, S., von der Emde, G., & Burt de Perera, T. (2023). Mormyrid fish as models for investigating sensory-motor integration: A behavioural perspective. Journal of Zoology. 319, 243-253.
Cleasby, IR, et al., (2023) “Assessing the importance of individual- and colony-level variation when using seabird foraging ranges as impact assessment and conservation tools.” Ibis (2023). doi: 10.1111/ibi.13284
Clark, B, et al. (2023) “Global assessment of marine plastic exposure for oceanic birds.” (2023) Nature Communications 14: 3665.
Phillips, J, Guilford, T & Fayet, AL. (2023) “How do resource distribution and taxonomy affect the use of dual foraging in seabirds? A review.” Behavioral Ecology, 34:769-779. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arad052
Karlsson, C; Willis, J.; Patel, M.; Burt de Perera, T. 2022. Visual odometry of Rhinecanthus aculeatus depends on the visual density of the environment. Nature Comms Biology.
Sibeaux, A.; Karlsson, C.; Newport, C.; Burt de Perera, T. 2022. Distance estimation in the goldfish (Carassius auratus). Proc. R. Soc. B 289: 20221220.
Davis, V.; Holbrook, R.; Burt de Perera, T. 2022. Fish can use hydrostatic pressure to determine their absolute depth. Nature Comms Biology.
Gillies, N, Padget, O, Syposz, M, Bond, S, & Guilford, T. (2022) “Resource availability drives parental decision-making during incubation in the Manx shearwater.” Ornithology, 139: 1-15.
Morford, J, Lewin, P, Biro, D, Guilford, T, Padget, O & Collet, O. (2022) “Neural networks reveal emergent properties of collective learning in democratic but not despotic groups.” Animal Behaviour 194: 151-159.
Darby, JH, Harris, MP, Wanless, S, Quinn, JL, Brathan, VS, Fayet, AL, Clairbauk, M, Hart, T, Guilford, T, Freeman, R & Jessopp, MJ. (2022) “A new biologging approach reveals unique flightless molt strategies of Atlantic puffins.” Ecology and Evolution, 12 (12):e9579 Article number ARTN e9579. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.9579
Esmonde, NPG, Hana, REB, Patel, JG, Smyth, AJ, Caplat, P, Smyth, W, Jaggers, P, Padget, O, Guilford, T, Perrins, C & Reid, N. (2022) “Case Report of Puffinosis in a Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) Suggesting Environmental Aetiology.” Animals 2022, 12:3457 Dec 2022.
Kempton, J, Wynn, J, Bind, S, Evry, J, Fayet, AL, Gillies, N, Guilford, T, Kavelaars, M, Juarez-Martinez, I, Padget, O, Rutz, C, Shoji, A, Syposz, M & Taylor GK. (2022) “Optimization of dynamic soaring in a flap-gliding seabird impacts its large-scale distribution at sea.” Science Advances 8(22) eabo0200
Padget, O, Gillies, N, Syposz, M, Lockley, E, & Guilford, T. (2022) “Shearwaters sometimes take long homing detours when denied natural outward journey information.” Biology Letters, 18(2): 20210503
Guilford, T, Padget, O, Maurice, L & Catry, P. (2022) “Unexpectedly deep diving in an albatross.” Current Biology, 32:R1-R3.
Wynn, J., Guilford,T., Padget, O., Perris, C., McKee, N., Gillies, N., Tyson, C., Dean, B., Fayet, AL. (2022) “Early-life development of contrasting outbound and return migration routes in a long-lived seabird.” Ibis, 164:596-602.
Wynn, J., Padget, O., Morford, J., Jaggers, P., Davies, K., Borsier, E. & Guilford, T. (2022) “How might magnetic secular variation impact avian philopatry?” Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 208:145-154. Doi: 10.1007/s00359-021-01533-y
Wynn, J, Padget, O, Mouritsen, H, Morford, J, Jaggers, P, & Guilford, T. "Magnetic ‘stop signs’ signal a European songbird’s arrival at the breeding site following migration" (2022) Science, 375: 446-449.
Packmor, F, Kishkinev, D, Bittermann, F, Kofler, B, Machowetz, C, Zechmeister, T, Zawadzki, LC, Guilford, T, & Holland, RA. (2021) ‘A magnet attached to the forehead disrupts magnetic compass orientation in a migratory songbird.’ Journal of Experimental Biology, 224 (22): jeb243337
Clairbaux M, Cheung W, Mathewson P, Porter W, Courbin N, Fort F, Strøm H, Moe B, Fauchald P, Descamps S, Helgason H, Bråthen V, Merkel B, Anker-Nilssen T, Chastel O, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Danielsen J, Daunt F, Dehnhard N, Erikstad KE, Ezhov A, Gavrilo M, Krasnov Y, Langset M, Lorentsen S-H, Newell M, Olsen B, Reiertsen T, Systad G, Thórarinsson T, Baran M, Diamond A, Fayet A, Fitzsimmons M, Frederiksen M, Gilchrist H, Guilford T, Huffeldt N, Jessopp M, Johannsen K, Kouwenberg A, Linnebjerg J, McFarlane Tranquilla L, Mallory M, Merkel MF, Montevecchi W, Mosbech A, Petersen A, Grémillet D. (2021)“Meeting Paris agreement objectives will temper seabird winter distribution shifts in the North Atlantic Ocean.” Global Change Biology, 27:1457-1469.
Zawadzki, LC, Gillies, N, Hallgrimsson, GT, Veit, RR, Rasmussen, LM, Boertmann, D & Guilford, T. (2021) “Predicting source populations of vagrants using breeding population data: a case study of the Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larusfuscus).” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 637452
Wood, MJ, Canonne, C, Besnard, A, Lachish, S, Fairhurst, SM, Liedvogel M, Boyle, D, Patrick, SC, Josey, S, Kirk, H, Dean, B, Guilford, T, McCleery, RM, Perrins, CM, & Horswill, C. (2021) “Demographic profiles and environmental drivers of variation relate to individual breeding state in a long-lived trans-oceanic migratory seabird, the Manx shearwater.” PLoS ONE 16(12): e0260812.
Newport, C, Padget, O, and Burt de Perera, T. (2021) "High turbidity levels alter coral reef fish movement in a foraging task." Scientific Reports, 11: 5976.
Syposz, M, Padget, O, Willis, J, Van Doren, BM, Gillies, N, Fayet, AL, Wood, MJ, Alejo, A, Guilford, T. “Avoidance of different durations, colours and intensities of artificial light by adult seabirds.” Scientific Reports, 11: 1 (2021).
Gillies, N, Tyson, C, Wynn, J, Syposz, M, Vansteenberghe, C, Guilford, T. (2021) “Exploring the mechanisms of coordinated chick provisioning in the Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus).” Journal of Avian Biology, e02881 (2021).
Clairbaux M, Mathewson P, Porter W, Fort, H, Strøm H, Moe B, Fauchald P, Descamps S, Helgason H, Bråthen V, Merkel B, Anker-Nilssen T, Bringsvor O, Chastel O, Christensen-Dalsgaard S, Danielsen J, Daunt F, Dehnhard N, Erikstad KE, Ezhov A, Gavrilo M, Krasnov Y, Langset M, Lorentsen S-H, Newell M, Olsen B, Reiertsen T, Systad G, Thórarinsson T, Baran M, Diamond A, Fayet A, Fitzsimmons M, Frederiksen M, Gilchrist H, Guilford T, Huffeldt N, Jessopp M, Johannsen K, Kouwenberg A, Linnebjerg J, McFarlane Tranquilla L, Mallory M, Merkel MF, Montevecchi W, Mosbech A, Petersen A, Grémillet D. (2021) "Do North Atlantic winter cyclones starve seabirds?" Current Biology, 31: 3964-3971.
Gillies, N, Syposz, M, Wynn, J, Vansteenberghe, C. & Guilford, T. (2021) “Responses of Manx shearwaters to handicapping and its implications for the coordination of care.” Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 655923
Phillips, JA, Fayet, A, Guilford, T, Manco, F, Warwick-Evans, V, & Trathan, P. (2021) “Foraging conditions for breeding penguins improve with distance from colony and progression of the breeding season at the South Orkney Islands.” Movement Ecology, 9: ARTN 22 (2021)
Gillies, N, Guilford, T, & Catry, P. (2021) “Allopreening in the black-browed albatross (Thalassarche melanophris): an exploration of patterns and possible functions.” Ibis, 163:1175-1188
Davies, TE, Carneiro, AP, Tarzia, M, Wakefield, E, Hennicke, J, Morten Frederiksen, M, Hansen, ES, Campos, B, Hazin, C, Lascelles, B, Anker-Nilssen, T, Arnardóttir, H, van Bemmelen, RSA, Biscoito, M, Bollache, L, Boulinier. T, Catry, P, Ceia, FR, Chastel, O, Christensen-Dalsgaard, C, Cruz-Flores, M, Danielsen, J, Daunt, F, Dunn, E, Egevang, C, Fagundes, AI, Fayet, A, Fort, J, Furness, RW, Gilg, O, González-Solís, J, Granadeiro, JP, Grémillet, D, Guilford, T, Hanssen, SA, Harris, MP, Hedd, A, Per Huffeldt, N, Jessopp, M, Kolbeinsson, Y, Krietsch, J, Lang, J, Linnebjerg, JF, Lorentsen, S-H, Madeiros, J, Mallory, ML, Merkel, FR, Militão, T, Moe, B, Montevecchi, WA, Morera-Pujol1, V, Mosbech, A, Neves, V, Olsen, B, Paiva, VH, Peter, H-U, Petersen, A, Phillips, RA, Ramírez, I, Ramos, JA, Ramos, R. Ronconi, RA, Ryan, PG, Schmidt, NM, Shailer, M, Sigurðsson, IA, Sittler, B, Steen, H, Stenhouse, IJ, Strøm, H, Thompson, P, Þórarinsson, ÞL, Wanless, S, Zino, F, Dias, MP (2021) ”Multi-species tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic” Conservation Letters, 14:e12824
Von der Emde, G. and Burt de Perera, T. 2020. Cross-modal transfer: Bumble bees do it. Science, 347, 850-851.
Newport, C., and Schuster, S. Archerfish vision: Visual challenges faced by a predator with a unique hunting technique. Sem Cell Devel Biol. 2020. 106: 53-60.
Newport, C. Abstract concept learning in fish. Behav Sci. 2020. 37: 56-62.
Jones, N.A.R., Webster, M., Newport, C., Templeton, C.N., Schuster, S., and Rendall, L. Linking individual difference in speed accuracy trade-offs with foraging success in a longitudinal study. Anim Behav. 2020. 160: 1-14.
Phillips, JA, Banks, AN, Bolton, M, Brereton, T, Cazenave, P, Gillies, N, Padget, O, van der Kooij, J, Waggitt, J, & Guilford, T. (2021) Consistent concentrations of critically endangered Balearic shearwaters in UK waters revealed by at-sea surveys. Ecology and Evolution.11:1544-1557.
Syposz, M, Padget, O, Wynn, J, Gillies, N, Fayet, A, & Guilford, T. (2020) “An assay to investigate factors influencing initial orientation in nocturnally fledging seabirds.” Journal of Avian Biology, 52(1), e02613.
J. Wynn, J. Collet, A. Prudor, A. Corbeau, O. Padget, T. Guilford and H. Weimerskirch. (2020) "Young frigatebirds learn how to compensate for wind drift." Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 287:20201970 .
C. Perrins, O. Padget, M. O’Connell, R. Brown, B. Büche, G. Eagle, J. Roden, E. Stubbings & M. Wood. (2020) "A census of breeding Manx shearwaters on the Pembrokeshire Islands of Skomer, Skokholm and Midland in 2018. "Seabird, 32:106-118
N. Gillies, A. L. Fayet, O. Padget, M. Syposz, J. Wynn, S. Bond, J. Evry, H. Kirk, A. Shoji, B. Dean, R. Freeman & T. Guilford. (2020) Short-term behavioural impact contrasts with long-term fitness consequences of biologging in a long-lived seabird. Scientific Reports, 10, 15056.
J. Wynn, O. Padget, H. Mouritsen, C. Perrins and T. Guilford. (2020) Natal imprinting to the Earth’s magnetic field in a pelagic seabird. Current Biology.
F. Ventura, J.P. Granadeiro, O. Padget and P. Catry. (2020) Gadfly petrels use knowledge of the windscape, not memorised foraging patches, to optimise foraging trips on ocean-wide scales. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Fayet, Annette L., Erpur Snær Hansen, and Dora Biro. (2019) Evidence of tool use in a seabird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.